Run High Conversion, Low CPC Ads with AI
Let AI create and optimize your Ad campaigns for maximum clicks using data
Let AI create and optimize your Ad campaigns for maximum clicks using data
After fighting tooth and nail for a decent marketing budget, you cannot blow it all on ad campaigns with terrible conversion rates.
“If only I had a bigger budget” is not an excuse.
You should be creative, strategic, and a master of research and using data to your advantage. All at once, while your available budget keeps shrinking.
What if there’s an AI to manage your ad campaigns with data-driven optimizations so your life gets easy?
Introducing Spicytool
Spicytool is an AI-powered tool to set up, manage, and optimize your Google Ads campaigns for a systematic increase in clicks and Ads ROI.
Set up your next ad campaign in 3 simple steps and appear on top of your competitors on Google for any target keyword with AI.
With Spicytool, connect your Google Ads account, and in 3 simple steps, AI takes over to create your campaigns.
Want to target as many keywords as possible? No problem! Spicytool lets you set up unlimited ad campaigns, reaching your ideal audience across any keyword you choose to target.
It is your AI Ads expert at your fingertips, saving you time, and money, and maximizing your reach on autopilot.
You can finally relax from anxiously checking in on your Ad campaigns. You’re free from this headache with Spicytool using AI conversion-based Ads optimization.
Here’s how. Simply paste the one-line code to your website’s header, and you’re set! Accurate conversion tracking kicks in automatically.
Track conversions that make sense to your business. Add custom conversions with specific actions in the conversions tab.
Spicytool AI will get to optimize your campaigns for maximum conversions in the background. It means you can stop the brainstorming and guesswork, and Spicytool will bring in leads, sales, or anything you choose.
AI also adjusts your bids, ensuring you get the most out of every cent you spend. With AI Ad placement optimization, your ads show up exactly where they need to be for maximum actions with minimal ad spend.
Course-correct your campaigns or experiment with your Ad targeting.
Spicytool AI gives you positive and negative keyword suggestions, giving you precise control over your targeting.
Save your time wasted on weekly performance reporting. Simply add your clients (or team members) to Spicytool.
They can keep track of campaign performance in one dashboard at any time without breaking a sweat.
Visualized and broken down into key metrics including CTR, Conversions, Clicks, CPC, and more.
All your Ad campaigns with every metric indicating maximum ROI for your Ad spending in record time.
The Users Love It!
“If you want to take your online advertising to the next level, look no further than Spicytool. It's intuitive, effective, and a real time-saver”
Bautista Lanusse, CEO Skyblue Analytics
“I had been trying to look for someone to do this and I am glad I finally found one. Will definitely work on this.”
Ajka, Design at Fitmint
“Incredible service! We managed to increase our visibility and sales more than 50% in one month!”
Ignacio Campos, Director at Draper Startup House
3 months ago
| Verified User
Hello Spicytool,
Is the app integrated with a landing page builder or landing page templates that can be customized?
3 months ago
| Verified User
Dear Spicytool developers,
I've watched your YouTube videos and read the available descriptions. I have many questions. Please answer them.
I assume the program creates an advertising campaign in Google Ads account and configures it according to the user's questionnaire. In which mode is such a campaign created - smart or professional?
Is it possible to manually edit the automatically created campaign in Google Ads account? If possible, how will this affect Spicytool's automatic algorithms?
From Spicytool's description, it's completely unclear what exactly the service optimizes after the advertisement is launched. Please provide examples.
It's also unclear what statistically significant traffic should be for Spicytool to make decisions on adjusting unnamed parameters. For example, if I have very low-frequency traffic (say, 10 search queries per month), is this number sufficient for AI decision-making.
The marketing description frequently uses the word "Optimization". This is too general a term that lacks specificity. Please explain with examples what this looks like.
How can one disable advertising in the partner network (everywhere except Google search engine) - when watching the demo video, I didn't find such an option in the questionnaire that the user fills out.
Please explain with examples the meaning of the marketing statement "Thanks to AI-based ad placement optimization, your ads appear exactly where they should be, resulting in maximum actions with minimum advertising costs."
Does the marketing proposition "Don't think" and "rely on AI algorithms" indicate the program's positioning for a specific audience? Am I correct in understanding that your service is not suitable for those who are used to thinking and monitoring where their money is being spent?
=== spanish_UY ======
Estimados desarrolladores de Spicytool:
He visto sus videos en YouTube y he leído las descripciones disponibles. Tengo muchas preguntas. Les pido que me las contesten.
Supongo que el programa crea una campaña publicitaria en la cuenta de Google Ads y la configura según el cuestionario del usuario. ¿En qué modo se crea esta campaña - inteligente o profesional?
¿Se puede editar manualmente la campaña creada automáticamente en la cuenta de Google Ads? Si es posible, ¿cómo afectará esto a los algoritmos automáticos de Spicytool?
De la descripción de Spicytool, no queda nada claro qué es exactamente lo que optimiza el servicio después de que se lanza la publicidad. Por favor, den ejemplos.
Tampoco está claro cuál debería ser el tráfico estadísticamente significativo para que Spicytool tome decisiones sobre el ajuste de parámetros no nombrados. Por ejemplo, si tengo un tráfico de muy baja frecuencia (ponele, 10 búsquedas por mes), ¿alcanza este número para que la IA tome decisiones?
En la descripción de marketing se usa mucho la palabra "Optimización". Es un término demasiado general que no tiene nada específico. Por favor, expliquen con ejemplos cómo se ve esto.
¿Cómo se puede desactivar la publicidad en la red de socios (en todos lados menos en el buscador de Google)? - cuando miré el video de demostración, no encontré esa opción en el formulario que completa el usuario.
Por favor, expliquen con ejemplos el significado de la afirmación de marketing "Gracias a la optimización de la ubicación de anuncios basada en IA, tus anuncios aparecen exactamente donde deben estar, lo que resulta en la máxima cantidad de acciones con un costo mínimo de publicidad."
¿La propuesta de marketing de "No pensar" y "confiar en los algoritmos de IA" indica que el programa está dirigido a un público específico? ¿Estoy en lo correcto al entender que vuestro servicio no es adecuado para aquellos que están acostumbrados a pensar y controlar dónde se gasta su plata?
5 months ago
| Verified User
Does it handle cross-domain tracking?
I work with clients (small local businesses) who use 3rd party tools to book their own clients. Can spicytool track these conversions?
5 months ago
| Verified User
I run an agency and have a MCC account. How does Spicytool work with manager accounts and not individual Google Ad accounts?
5 months ago
| Verified Buyer
Hi Unsure about deal as the Pricing shows different deals
I need the Full page builder please as well as full system but cant stretch to tier 3 ATM
How long have you been running?
What is investment so far?
Where is roadmap?
Thank you Best wishes on this launch.