Know Your Customers, and Sell when they are ready to Buy

Personalize & Automate your Ecommerce Marketing from Landing Pages to Emails to SMS

Being an eCommerce Store owner, are you still sending emails that say "Winter Sale is here. Get 10% OFF"? That's so 1990's.

Instead, send an email to your customer Alex saying, “Hey Alex, here's the 10% OFF on the Blue Shirt you've been looking for in our store” which has a very high probability of fetching you an easy sale.

But how many such emails can you write in a day, for every visitor landing on your eCommerce store?

Say Hi to CustomerVox

CustomerVox enhances your customer touchpoints through Personalized Landing pages, Pop-ups, SMS & Email Marketing Automation for your Shopify Store(s)

Simply put, convert your shy customers by surprising them with personalized marketing automation.


  • Send personalized email, SMS, pop-ups & landing pages
  • Alternative to: Klaviyo, Privy
  • Create & Send transactional emails, and offers based on the customer insights
  • Suited for: Shopify Store Owners, Ecommerce Managers

From your CustomerVox dashboard, you get a 360 degree view of your customer performances, Average Order value (AOV), and Customer lifetime value (CLV) metrics, etc.

Customer analytics data shows the number of visitors to your store, your active customers, customers at risk, users whom you have lost can enable you to send customised campaigns.

Some of your customers would show great affinity towards certain products of your store.

CustomerVox creates clusters for the products engaged the most and the least and helps in creating campaigns.

Bet you’re familiar with Marvel’s wonder child Tony Stark playing with JARVIS in the air - The blue hologram stuff?

Creating personalized campaigns works in a similar fashion (holographically, not yet).

CustomerVox has a built-in drag and drop feature that adds structure and customizations to multi-channel campaigns to precisely target your customers.

Add products that interests your customers the most and create CTA’s at the bottom of them. Remember. DRAG AND DROP.

Nothing beats a visual cue. With CustomerVox giving additional data about your customers’ action, you can create custom triggers to make your customers convert through multiple channels -- email, text, pop-ups etc.

How would you like it if your customers found it easy to make a quick buying decision?

CustomerVox helps you categorize your storefront for customers based on their interactions. You can do more by reminding them of what they viewed last or what interested them the most.

Touchpoints like these can guarantee increase in sales for your business also by giving more data about customer interests and preferences.

You can also insert templates of your choice for communication or create custom templates to give a splash of your taste.

To track the performance of your campaigns, go to the contact section and tap a customer address. You can find a detailed view of each of your customer engagement metrics.

For a one-time purchase of the product for $49, you can grab all features of CustomerVox and maximize your revenue by knowing your customers better.

Deal Highlights

  • Unlimited Email Broadcasts
  • Unlimited Automation
  • Unlimited Personalization
  • Unlimited Landing Pages
  • Drag & Drop Builder
  • No CustomerVox branding
  • Transactional Emails are included
  • Customer Data Management
  • All templates & integrations are included
  • Customer Persona, Details & Lifecycle insights
  • Shopify integration
  • WooCommerce integration (Q2 2022)
  • SMS Credits are available in the US Only
  • 1 Code = 1 Store (Shopify / WooCommerce)
  • Stack up to 5 codes per store
  • Manage Multiple Stores under a single account
  • Email & Live Chat support
  • 60 days refund policy

$10 OFF on Each Code


Sana five-review

3 years ago   |   verifed user Verified User

Great application and an amazing deal!

CustomerVox is an incredible app that helps us understand and segment our customers in customer lifecycle stages and personas. This is done automatically and is of tremendous help to us. It then goes beyond this by enabling us to communicate with our customers through emails, text, popups and landing pages.

The application is fast and intuitive. We did encounter a few bugs but they were solved quickly and we understand this happens as they are just starting out.

I would recommend CustomerVox to any Shopify store in need of advanced analytics insights + you can then use the insights to help shape a superior customer experience through the above touchpoints.

Their customer support is very supportive and quick to respond. We spent a few hours back and forth today and they were very patient while we figured things out.

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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Is there any upsell, downsell, cross selling features? If I buy 5 codes can I activate the codes to 5 different websites anytime I want? Or does it have a timeline within which to activate the codes?

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2 Replies



3 years ago  Founder

@Martin: Hi, at this time we are able to present potential upsell/cross sell items but still need to iron out the best way to present this to customers. You can activate one individual code per store within 60 days of purchase date.


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3 years ago

@Emir: Thanks for the quick reply. Wish it is possible to use it on different shopify stores even if it is via support at any point in time with valid reasons offcourse.

Sometimes a store may need to be closed due to facebook permanent ban on business account or sometimes a store may just not take off or you might want to change your store/ brands name etc..

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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Its have abandoned carts functionality?

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3 years ago  Founder

@Doulat: Yes, we support cart abandonment emails.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Will the system understand the data of customers from before we implement CustomerVox or only after?

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3 years ago  Founder

@Ivan: We do import Shopify events once you register so if they are in Shopify we will pick them up.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Do you allow affiliate marketing emails?

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3 years ago  Founder

@Adam: Not sure how relevant this will be as we work with Shopify contacts so they need to be Shopify customers.


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3 years ago

@Emir: They may be only Shopify signups with no previous purchase history. Then I could send them shop offers and some of them could be just affiliate products / services

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3 years ago  Founder

@Adam: I don't think all the advantages we offer would surface without products and orders which we get from Shopify.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hello, is there a link to the webinar recording?

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3 years ago  Founder

@David Kanika: Here is a recent on we did -

If you need further info, I would be happy to do a demo for you. Email me at emir at


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

What if we want to change or shutdown a particular store and move to another domain name store on Shopify?

Can we able to move CustomerVox account to new store or is this deal will be dead of we close our old Store (where we activated the code first)?

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3 years ago  Founder

@Amit: Hi, the credits are store based. Having said that, if not too much time has lapsed we can make an exception. You can just email us.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

I want to buy x5 codes, I do not have an active Shopify store, however I am building a shopify store now using a developer account, which I will convert to active once I finish building it.

I have two questions which will help me decide on buying and I would appreciate your answer:

1) Can I activate the codes on a non active shopify, in this case extended trial developer account?

2) If I activated the codes on Shopify store X, then decided to close that store and open Shopify store Y, can I transfer the codes from old expired shopify store to new one? or I would lose it

Thank you

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3 years ago  Founder

@surfinalot: Hi, you can install CustomerVox on the trial store and it will be transferred to the new store automatically once you set it live. If you want to move the codes to a new store in the future email support and we will get it done.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Once we assign codes to one store/project, can we change it to another if we need it?

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3 years ago  Founder

@Luis: HI, credits are for the lifetime of the storebut we can accommodate if you want to change (you'll need to email support) the stores within reason.


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Martin Wong

3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Does this work without Shopify? What about headless commerce like Swell, will it work? Amazing if it does.

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3 years ago  Founder

@Martin Wong: Hi, for not it will only work with Shopify. We plan to add more platforms and build out our API but this is currently not available.


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Pepe Volador

3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

I read that we have to have one Shopify store at least to redeem the code. I don't have any now. So, how would I redeem in the future when I need it?

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3 years ago  Founder

@Pepe Volador: You can redeem your code in the future. Just reach out to us when you are up and running with your store.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

We have a WooCommerce store so we will buy some codes and wait for the WooCommerce integration when it will come. My questions and suggestions about the product are below:

1. One store means one WooCommerce installation? I am asking this because on one single Woo installation we run a multilingual store and for some languages, we show on the frontend different domain names like,, etc. But it's only one installation of WP / WooCommerce

2. Will the WooCommerce integration be as deep as the Shopify integration?

3. In the multilanguage example above, can CustomerVox send emails/show popups & landing pages in different languages based on the IP of the user? Can we set different campaigns targeting different countries?

4. I see that the tool calculates the AOV and LTV which is great. Do you consider adding RFM segmentation of the clients in order for us to be able to create campaigns targeted to different RFM segments?


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3 Replies



3 years ago  Founder

@Emil: II will try to respond to your questions in a transparent and open was related to you questions 1 and 2.

I don't know how we will solve this yet as we haven't started to work on the integration yet. Havign said that, if we do something, our goal is to make it as powerful as everything we do.

3. Yes, you can do this already now. Segment/show based on country IP so I don't see why this would not be possible on other platforms.

4. We have a very powerful custom segment feature so what ever segment you want to create like RFM is supported. We're continuously adding here and just this week we added additional filters.


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3 years ago

@Emir: Thanks for your answer.

Regarding the SMS credits and the fact that they are only valid for USA. Is it posible for us to buy SMS credits for use in other countries? I'm interested in contries in the EU and also UK.

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3 years ago  Founder

@Emil: We’re working hard on adding new countries and UK is scheduled next but the pricing will be different opposed to US as it’s more expensive to send messages in Europe compared to US/Canada.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Can it just be used for the page builder without the email? (we would not be changing from Klaviyo for several reasons).

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3 years ago  Founder

@Fraser: you’re not required to use email functionality if you don’t want to so yes you could only use landing page builder.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User


Once we assign certain codes to one shop, can we later switch them to another if that store no longer needs this service or we get out of business and need to start another project?

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3 years ago  Founder

@Luis: Hi, the credit is valid for three months.


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3 years ago

@Emir: You mean that once we assigned the code to one shop we can change it within 3months but after that it would be locked into that store, so if we would need to use it for another store/project, we wont be able? Please clarify.

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3 years ago  Founder

@Luis: credits are store-based and they are valid for 90 days.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hi Emir! Thanks a lot for this amazing deal.

We manage 3 shopify stores and plan to ad two additional ones. If we would go with 5codes, could we distribute the 50k subscribers as we fit, or there is there a limitation?

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3 years ago  Founder

@Luis: credits are store based so you stack credits based on how many contacts each store has. If a store has 10,000 contacts that’s how many credits are required. You can’t balance the credits across multiple stores across one account but you can access stores through one single account for easier administration.


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3 years ago

@Emir: would you consider changing that policy? Our needs, and many others here, may vary from time to time and it would make more sense to allow us to distribute the subscribers based on needs, because 1code with 2k subscribers might not be sufficient, but on 5code we could assign more contacts to one of our stores of we need to.

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3 years ago  Founder

@Luis: unfortunately this is something we can’t do. This is mainly based on how difficult it would be to maintain and support this kind of billing configuration on our end.


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Sampath Administrator

3 years ago

@Luis: We had a really long conversations on this.

But because of the billing system & how it works with Shopify stores, there are certain limitations

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3 years ago

@Sampath: i would really like to understand better those limitations since it represent a challenging investment in your company knowing that we would need to buy 3+3 codes to pay more than for 5stack and end up with half of subscribers. We would really like to invest full stack or even more, but it would be great really if you guys could find a workaround for this. 🙏🏻

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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hi Emir, congratulation for the launch.

I already saw your replies, but i want to elaborate my question in a different manner with an example:

As i have various customers and each one of them has a shopify store i was planning to "control" all of them since i manage them from my dashboard.

I would stack 5 codes and use only on 3 stores.

Can i control/add/remove these stores into my "main" account?

Can i assign the customers based on my needs to each one of these stores?

What if i later need 2 more "stores"? Can i still add 2 more (as i stacked 5 codes) and control under my main account and assign limits of customers on each of these 5 stores?


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3 years ago  Founder

@Fabrizio: Yes, you can always assign a store to a new username and that store would not be under your main account.

You can stack credits per store. So if you have 5 credits, you can use 3 for store X, 1 for store Y and 1 for store Z.

As for you question on limits, they are based on credits so that's how they are controlled. Happy to chat through our website chat or email me at [email protected] if you need further clarifications.


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